Wednesday 3 July 2013

Derek and Boggy Finish Animation

This is the video of the finished animation only sound verison will be uploaded soon

(the black bit is were the credits go's)

Sound Effect version

Tuesday 2 July 2013

Very quick update

I know it's been a long time since I've updated this online blog but I'm very much now in the writing process on finishing this project. I was granted an extension for my individual project for August 17th. The writing process of the report has been very time consuming and I've had almost no time for regular entries on the blog.

I have now finished the animation a few weeks ago and would have liked to have posted this on my blog however, time has been used writing the report. Currently I am still editing and polishing the animation to get a finished and final version. I am hoping to upload one version of the whole animation piece next week on my blog which shows the entire film from beginning to end.

In terms of the report, so far sections 1 to 4 have been completed. I am hoping to have my report completed for the end of July ideally. If this target isn't met then I will most definitely have the report complete before the deadline- 17th August.

It's been a long year getting this project done and considering this is my final year at Teesside Uni I want to finish off this year with this animation done to the best of my ability's.

Tuesday 11 June 2013

Update on current progress (11/06/13)

For the past few weeks I have been unable to work on the Derek and Boggy film, as I have focused on my group animation project. As it became closer to the group deadline,  my workload increased and it was very time consuming to complete the final group animation video. My task was to edit all shots together and add the sound effects and vocals to the film. This was very last minute, as I could not complete my task until all other group members had provided me with their completed work.

I had to work throughout the night to meet the deadline and finish the animation.

I was unable to work on both projects at the same time as, one task would take up more time than expected.

After submitting the completed group project, I have spent some time having a break from work. During this time, however I have carried out further research on British animation and Cosgrove Hall. Research found includes:

Animation Nation - a BBC Four documentary about the history of British animation from commercials, Children's TV and a episode on different views of British Culture

The DVD to watch episodes can be found in the Teesside Uni Library.

Skwigly Podcast - Skwigly is a online magazine website which features podcasts from animation pioneer's. One featuring Brain Cosgrove discussing his work from the past, present and future.

The podcast is in two parts

Chuck Amuck The Life and Times of an Animated Cartoonist by Chuck Jones - a book about the lifetime work of Warner Bros most renowned animation Director Chuck Jones

The book can be found in Tesside Uni Library.

Monday 29 April 2013

Derek And Boggy Progress

Let me start off by showing you what the title should looks like. The animation piece will begin by panning out from the starry sky to this still image shown below.  This has already been timed out and simply needs to be added to the video.

The scene will then be set by making it clear that it is night time and that the two characters will be walking through the woods in the dark.
I possibly might add a text sequence to verify what the two characters are doing before they appear on screen.
I have managed to at this point to get the film's animation run time up to 49 sec leaving only a few more scenes let to be put in.  


One of the challenges that I faced was to have a sequence were one character (Boggy) turns from one position to another, at a moments notice. See below

Boggy start off pose 

Looking Right

Looking Left

I carried out research to establish how this sequence could be done. A looked at animation video created by Chuck Jones 'The Dover Boys' who showed how to make fast movement look effective.

To achieve this I distorted the eye's shape making it stretch out and blurring it to give the look of boggy zipping across from left to right. Around 16 frames were used to created this sequence.
This save on the amount of frames used compared to if it was done more conventionally

See examples of frames in this sequence

Write up

Below is the link to the write up. This is a work in progress. 
So far I managed to write:

  • Introduction
  • History of Animation - Chuck Jones, Cosgrove Hall Films

Sunday 14 April 2013

Update for work over Easter Break

There's a lot I have to say now that Easter holiday now over been really busy with both the animation and final report I've been working both at uni and home to get the most out during the uni Easter holiday

Some pieces of animation have taken longer to make than previously thought and a bit concerned about the film length of now (see below)

Here are some of the storyboards I've managed to do They show off the key frame poses for the eyes please note none of the pages have any writing on them yet as time is of the essence they will be put on later.


Each panel is taken from a line of dialogue and description of the scenes.  I have only drawn what key scenes will appear I have not included any transitions at the moment.

For this animation, which is of a comedic genre, I am animating to the sound rather than timing out each still image.    In my opinion this was the best way to produce, as the overall effect of the animation  relies more on dialogue and therefore the audio and soundtrack had to be completed first.

I have been working mainly on the animation which took longer than I had anticipated.  The sequence of Boggy walking on and off screen was something that I new would take a while to do, unfortunately it took far long than I thought it would.

I had a lot of alterations to do to get it right.  I have now finalised this but at present feel I will have to reduce this to one of these whereas I had previously intended to do three.  I will replace the other two with captions of walk on and walk off accompanied by sound effects.

The timing of the film at present is at 1 minute 16 seconds without the opening sequence and credits.  Due to the amount of work I still have to do I may have to reduce this further.

I have also been working on my dissertation outlining the structure and at present have written 1,000 words in relation to  my History of Animation section which is based on the work of Chuck Jones and Cosgrove Hall Films.

Wednesday 27 March 2013

First Animation Pice done

This is my very first piece of animation for the film.  It has taken me 2 days to do the animation and about 2 hours putting it together.

This is the first scene of Boggy looking for Derek - the opening scene (after the title).  I am happy with the results to far and relieved that finally I have something to show for all the work that has taken place so far.

I have also made a start on writing up my Dissertation.  I have outlined the contents page which in theory is a breakdown of what I need to write.

Wednesday 20 March 2013

Easter Break

An update of work undertaken during the Easter Break.

This is the storyline I completed back in February.

This is Bongani and George's best run through the scripts when we were in the recording studio.

Before the Easter Break I re-recorded Boggy's lines using my voice.  I then edited together some of George's best takes with my own to give the impression of a conversation taking place between Derek and Boggy.  Please see below uploaded file containing this material.

I managed to do a quick animation of Boggy's eye's blinking.
Please note this also contains Derek blinking.

During the course project I have been in contact with an animator called Billy Allison.  He is an independent animator who has worked for various studios throughout the UK.  I first met Billy at BAF (Bradford Animation Festival) he was representing Team 17.  Our paths crossed on numerous occasions and we have been in contact via Skype for approximately 1 year now.   I would class Billy as a friend who has also acted as a Mentor for me more recently.

Now that I have finalised a successful blinking sequence for both characters along with other preparations.   It feels a relief and and achievement having spent so much time on the preparation to finally see a working piece which I will move forward with to build up my final animation. 

I will be working on the animation (Derek and Boggy) throughout the Easter Break.

Monday 11 March 2013


The Background while all in black for the most part i needed an opening shot to establish the time of day and the setting of the forest.

I wanted it to be a clear night sky with the stars and moon out and silhouettes of trees. Used the gradient tool to make the night sky going from white, light blue, dark blue and black. I made sure the gradient tool could be used in fireworks, which it can be. That is for the basic background. I did the stars as just very small white dots, trying to copy best what stars look like in the night. I used the ellipse tool to create a half moon, by putting one dark ellipse over a white ellipse. For the trees, I started looking up silhouettes of trees in a forest on the internet and I came across two png files that would fit into the image one set was a group of the same type of trees and the other a variety of different trees.  I used the first one as it seemed to fit the image better. They are both Copyright free so I can use them for my project.   I was pleased with myself that I managed to get this done within one day.  For once my basic idea came to fruition with out any real hiccups.


Silhouetted trees

Variant silhouetted trees

I tried out some panning shots using Adobe Premier for the opening shot going from the night sky to the forest. I have done two shots. I prefer the second but still have some timing work to sort out on it.  I hope to have it finalised by the end of this week.

First Shot

Second Shot

A quick update on the voice recordings.

I have re-recorded Boggy's lines with me doing the voice of Boggy.  Unfortunately Bongani's voice wasn't suitable but I will still credit him with a Special Thanks.  George wasn't available for a re-recording so I have edited some of his best takes together and now need to add them to the recording I have done today of Boggy.

Wednesday 27 February 2013

Voice directing and Fireworks

Where to start.   This is the first time I have ever done voice recording with people with written dialogue.  I was very nervous about how this would work, especially as I didn't really know these guys I had only met them a couple of times.  This was my first time at direction and their first time at voice recording for animation.  A new experience for all of us.

I have used the Pheonix room before so I new how the set up worked.  I was in the booth with the guy who did the audio recording.  I had the two voice actors outside of the booth in front of the mikes they were asking me what I wanted them to do - thats when it finally dawned on me that it was all down to me.  I wasn't sure how I felt.

I gathered myself together and decided how to take charge of the situation.  I started by asking them to just read through the script to see how long it took them.  They started by colouring in the appropriate lines for them to read.  Using paper versions of the script was problematic as the sound of them turning the pages could be heard on the recording.  They realised that as they had the script on their phones they would read it off there.  That worked well.

After listening to their interpretation I started to direct them, to enable the version of the script I had in my head to be realised. I guided them by asking them to go through it again with me reading one of the parts and directing them at the same time and then swapping over. This thankfully gave them an insight into what I wanted.

After the second read through things started to come together I gained in confidence and increased  my direction.   I felt I was sensitive in the way I spoke to them, I didn't want to offend them.  They reacted to my direction very well and they were very patient with me.

Nigel the guy who controls the soundboard and sets up the mikes was very helpful he did the initial set up and then left it to me to get the best performance I could.

After i had done the run through with each of them, I asked them to run through it again together and timed this at around 3 minutes this included me making improvisations as we went along.

We seemed to be stuck at around 3 minutes even after a few read throughs.  The next problem to solve was how to reduce the dialogue without loosing too much of the comedic element.  I decided to see where we would be at the 1 minute point.  I started them reading and then stopped them at 1 minute.  Although it does have a few 'dead spots in' I feel that I can get enough dialogue in that time frame.

Needless to say there is a lot of editing to do and I feel another session will be necessary.  I do feel more confident now and that the next session would be less time consuming and more productive  resulting in a more efficient run through and hopefully a useable track.

Fireworks is a program I have been using for many years now right back to when I was in College.  We used this at college as a tool to build websites, it is essentially an image building tool.  I have my own copy as we bought a student version via the college.  It works on the same principal as photoshop .

The difference between Fireworks and Photoshop is that Fireworks is more for building images or objects whereas Photoshop creates a slightly cleaner image and enables you to clean up and touch up work.

The reason I am using Fireworks is that it has a layering system which allows you to place things on top of or underneath of each other.  Because I have used Fireworks for over 6 years now I feel very comfortable with it and now my way around it.  Fireworks is a .png file which allows you to make alterations. An example of this is my initial eye drawings have been adjusted to smooth out the lines.

By using Fireworks I can pick up my work whether I am at home or University, I need the flexibility to be able to work wherever I want whenever I want.  This is not possible using other forms of animation techniques.

I am careful to name the layers as I go along to ensure I can make adjustments as easily as possible.

There are different programmes that could be used to make this animation, but with the time I have its not possible for them to be utilised efectively.

Toon Boom
Although this programme is best suited for traditional 2D, it requires you to be precise in everything that is inputted into the programme. If any mistakes are made, you have to begin from the start again. This can be time consuming and in addition the software is only available at university on a limited amount of comuters and cannot be accessed off campus. As the software is only available on a limited amount of computers at University, at times these computers are being used by other students and therefore the software cannot be accessed at all.

3D Animation
Packages like Maya and 3D Max can be technically demanding as you have to make sure that all the settings are all selected correctly.  I have used this software and have created some pieces using this software.

Flash Animation
Unfortunately, although I have experienced this technique whilst at college.  It was only the basics and I am not competent enough in this programme to be able to complete a project using this software.

The idea for my final project I felt could be best portrayed using 2d and that is why

Sunday 24 February 2013

Update so far

For the last few weeks and during Animex I have finally finished my drawing designs.



I have started to draw them up digitally using fireworks.  I have made an image of to show what the two characters will look like.

I have also recruited two voice actors to play the parts.  The first recording session will take place on Monday 25th February 2013.  I will do an update on their names and the progress we made.

Work in Progress

I have made a short animation of Derek blinking to assess the frame rate which will be linked in to how long we need to voice record.

I am hoping for it to come in at under at under 1 minute.

Update 25.2.13

Today I have recorded voiceovers for my animation with two actors in the phoenix sound recording room.

I booked in a 2.5 hour session, firstly we did a read through which took about 3.5 minutes, after a number of attempts I directed them in the way that I wanted the scene to sound.  I did a read through of each character with them mimicking.  After a few attempts I decided to draw a line at the 1 minute marker and I will edit the dialogue to suit.

Bogani (left) and George (Right)

Bogani and George are two students studying Performance Arts at Teesside University and they have kindly accepted my invitation to do the voice overs for Derek and Boggy.

I need to do a complete review of this mornings work and see if I can edit it to an acceptable level.  If not I will re-book the sound study and re record.  I felt nervous as I have only met these two guys a couple of times and it was the first time I have used the recording study.  All things considered I think it went well.  I feel if I had to repeat the process I would feel a lot more confident.

I have created a computerised version of Derek's expression not sure whether these will be used in the final animation if not they can be used for reference purposes.

Sunday 3 February 2013

Eye Drawing and Research

Sketches of Eye Expressions.

First Sketch try out 

Derek and Boggy sketch Ideas

Different Moods.

These are the eye expressions I have done so far.  The next stage is the final design and model sheets.

I am re-writing the script for the project and meeting with a couple of people who have agreed to do voice acting for me.  I am meeting with one of the prospective voice actors tomorrow.


This is an example from a show called Phineas and Ferb.  The story is about a boy and his brother trying to do something interesting during their summer break. This particular episode is about when all the lights go out in town and all you can see are the characters eyes.

Screen Shots

I would like my film to be on a similar level to this.

The clip below is an extract from the episode.

Season 3 Episode 53: Blackout!

One of the key researcher's I am using for my project is Chuck Jones.  Below are two examples of his work.  

The Dover Boys is an example of sudden movement shown in a few short frames.

The Dover Boys of Pimento University

Chuck Jones: Extremes and in Betweens - A Life in Animation

The two links below take you to extracts of the above which explains in detail how this process worked.

The first link is about the fast movement.

The second link is about eye movement.