Sunday 3 February 2013

Eye Drawing and Research

Sketches of Eye Expressions.

First Sketch try out 

Derek and Boggy sketch Ideas

Different Moods.

These are the eye expressions I have done so far.  The next stage is the final design and model sheets.

I am re-writing the script for the project and meeting with a couple of people who have agreed to do voice acting for me.  I am meeting with one of the prospective voice actors tomorrow.


This is an example from a show called Phineas and Ferb.  The story is about a boy and his brother trying to do something interesting during their summer break. This particular episode is about when all the lights go out in town and all you can see are the characters eyes.

Screen Shots

I would like my film to be on a similar level to this.

The clip below is an extract from the episode.

Season 3 Episode 53: Blackout!

One of the key researcher's I am using for my project is Chuck Jones.  Below are two examples of his work.  

The Dover Boys is an example of sudden movement shown in a few short frames.

The Dover Boys of Pimento University

Chuck Jones: Extremes and in Betweens - A Life in Animation

The two links below take you to extracts of the above which explains in detail how this process worked.

The first link is about the fast movement.

The second link is about eye movement.

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