Wednesday 3 July 2013

Derek and Boggy Finish Animation

This is the video of the finished animation only sound verison will be uploaded soon

(the black bit is were the credits go's)

Sound Effect version

Tuesday 2 July 2013

Very quick update

I know it's been a long time since I've updated this online blog but I'm very much now in the writing process on finishing this project. I was granted an extension for my individual project for August 17th. The writing process of the report has been very time consuming and I've had almost no time for regular entries on the blog.

I have now finished the animation a few weeks ago and would have liked to have posted this on my blog however, time has been used writing the report. Currently I am still editing and polishing the animation to get a finished and final version. I am hoping to upload one version of the whole animation piece next week on my blog which shows the entire film from beginning to end.

In terms of the report, so far sections 1 to 4 have been completed. I am hoping to have my report completed for the end of July ideally. If this target isn't met then I will most definitely have the report complete before the deadline- 17th August.

It's been a long year getting this project done and considering this is my final year at Teesside Uni I want to finish off this year with this animation done to the best of my ability's.